An ePortfolio is a powerful bridge between academic and professional development as it can present evidence of your academic work, career goals, and personal interests. In a web-based portfolio, you can display a wide range of your work and achievements and easily share with others worldwide. Click a link listed below to jump to a section.


ePortfolio. Create. Develop your portfolio. Create your electronic portfolio in a flexible personal learning environment. Share. Control your privacy. Share your 

Why should you create one? Learn more at by Heather Stuart, October 2013. Your ePortfolio is a way to communicate a message about your media knowledge and skills. The target audience goes beyond the professor, it is someone who might offer you an internship, job, or admission to grad school.

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This collection serves as proof, or evidence, of what you are capable of and allows you to demonstrate that to audiences like future employers or graduate schools. ePortfolios, digital repositories of student work, have been transforming students' educational experiences for two decades. The Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) has long advocated ePortfolio adoption throughout higher education. As AAC&U’s Liberal Education and America's Progress (LEAP) initiative has gained prominence, the necessity for all students to have the Hook ePortfolio goals with organizational KPIs. Reflect on the lessons learned. Create exemplary ePortfolio champions that inspire everyone.

It has all the features you need to deliver, manage and … Note: If you've been here before, please enter your username or candidate number to log in The team at ePort wish you a happy holiday. Please note our office will be closed from: 5pm on 21 Friday 21 December 2018 until 8:30am on Thursday 3 January 2019 2020-07-21 Create an ePortfolio where you can curate your achievements, projects, and competencies and use them to launch your career.

An ePortfolio is a collection of work (evidence) in an electronic format that showcases learning over time. When you think about your ePortfolio and the types of 

It is designed to support a variety  The Connecticut Distance Learning Consortium's electronic portfolio (ePortfolio. org) platform allows students to document their academic work, experience and  You can access ePortfolio by logging in to this website with your username and password.


ePortfolio Login ePortfolio Login Username Password. Login. Student login instructions: Username: firstname.lastname Password: Eight digit CUNYfirst EMPLID and the


2020-03-06 ePortfolio Login Username Password. Login. Student login instructions: Username: firstname.lastname Password: Eight digit CUNYfirst EMPLID and the last two digits of your birth year. Faculty & Staff login instructions: Username: Outlook username (do not include Password: Outlook An ePortfolio is an electronic collection of work that demonstrates a person’s developing capabilities. The term ePortfolio is also used to describe online software designed to support a life-long learning process of collecting work samples, selecting exemplary items, reflecting on progress, and setting goals for future learning. An ePortfolio is an evolving electronic/online resource that acts to record, store and archive the artefacts of learning and reflection for an individual learner. 1 An ePortfolio has the potential to demonstrate professional and personal growth, exemplify evidence-based practice and provide a planning space for future professional development needs and experiences.


It is recommended that if you can, that you choose and install a modern browser. Modern browsers are free of charge and installation normally takes only a few minutes.
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Review the range of viewpoints of both trainees and support staff.

Directions for the Simplified Template: To import a template, you must already have created an ePortfolio site using UBC Blogs. Download the simplified template by right-clicking here and choosing the “Save link as…” option. An ePortfolio is a collection of work (evidence) in an electronic format that showcases learning over time.
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Links Login to e-portfolio The RCOG have produced guidance for trainees on using eportfolio. For any queries regarding ePortfolio, please email 

An ePortfolio is an online collection of evidence that shows your learning journey over time. An ePortfolio may be used in your program or discipline to track your development of professional skills or graduate attributes. Housed in University Writing, the ePortfolio Project is a campus-wide initiative that offers Auburn students the opportunity to create personal websites that: Communicate and showcase skills, experiences, and learning; Contain diverse artifacts—documents and media; Contextualize those artifacts for potential employers, graduate schools, etc. ePortfolio is your personal online space for collecting and recording academic, professional and life experiences with text, photo, video, music and multimedia.

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THE BROWSER YOU ARE USING IS NO LONGER SUPPORTED. It is recommended that if you can, that you choose and install a modern browser. Modern browsers are free of charge and installation normally takes only a few minutes.

This is useful for internships in any area, such as student teaching, clinical experience, etc, and can be used for … ePortfolio. It is a requirement in all General Education courses (and some programs) for students to create an ePortfolio that contains their significant assignments and reflections about those assignments. The ePortfolio also allows students to document their goals and extra-curricular activities. ePortfolio Just another Demos Sites site Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit duis ac eleifend nunc, non luctus orci integer sed nisl et enim consequat sagittis. An ePortfolio is a powerful bridge between academic and professional development as it can present evidence of your academic work, career goals, and personal interests.

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This collection serves as proof, or evidence, of what you are capable of and allows you to demonstrate that to audiences like future employers or graduate schools. ePortfolios, digital repositories of student work, have been transforming students' educational experiences for two decades. The Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) has long advocated ePortfolio adoption throughout higher education. As AAC&U’s Liberal Education and America's Progress (LEAP) initiative has gained prominence, the necessity for all students to have the Hook ePortfolio goals with organizational KPIs. Reflect on the lessons learned.

An ePortfolio is a place to upload all of your work Not only does it organize your work, but it lets you reflect upon your learning and skills and see how you have  Emory & Henry has contracted with PebblePad to provide an institutional ePortfolio platform for E&H students, faculty, and staff. Anyone with an E&H email and  16 Nov 2016 How to Select the Right E-Portfolio Platform. Electronic portfolio experts from colleges and universities across the country offer their key  If you are a UK medical trainee and would like access to the ePortfolio, this will be granted once you have completed your enrolment. For further information  The Australia ePortfolio Project was funded by the Australian Federal Government Office of Learning and Teaching (OLT later ALTC) in three stages concluding  The following student statement collected as part of UBC's ePortfolio Pilot Project The things we are supposed to do for it [the e-portfolio] are kind of like  What is an ePortfolio? • A collection of digital files (artifacts) that are shared electronically for the purpose of reflection, comment and evaluation. • It's quite simply  25 Jul 2015 Among these tools, there are the learning management system (LMS) and the electronic portfolio (ePortfolio). Our work focuses on monitoring  Brightspace ePortfolio is a personal portfolio tool for storing, organizing, reflecting on and sharing items that represent your learning.